Who we are: Key Contacts
Project Management Team:
Position | Name | |
GHRG GI Director | Nigel Cunliffe | nigelc@liverpool.ac.uk |
GHGR GI Co-Director | Chisomo Msefula | cmsefula@kuhes.ac.mw |
Kenya Country Lead | Sam Kariuki | skariuki@kemri.go.ke |
Ethiopia Country Lead | Amha Mekasha | amekashaw@yahoo.com |
Community Engagement and Involvement Lead | Deborah Nyirenda | dnyirenda@mlw.mw |
Training and Research Capacity Strengthening Lead |
Jen Cornick | jcornick@liverpool.ac.uk |
Project Manager (University of Liverpool) | Ann Turner | |
Project Manager (KEMRI) | Eunice Njoki | eunicekinjo2@gmail.com |
Project Manager (KUHeS) | Mary Chimwaza | chimwazamary2016@gmail.com |
Project Co-Ordinator | Grace Reed | gracer@liverpool.ac.uk |
Project Administrator | Cheryl Giddings | cgiddings@liverpool.ac.uk |
The Project Management team meets on a monthly basis, and there are additional members of staff who will attend these meetings. Above are the key contacts for any queries.
Theme Leads:
Position | Name | |
Theme 1: Disease Burden Lead |
Khuzwayo Jere | kjere@liverpool.ac.uk |
Theme 2: Impact and Cost Effectiveness Lead | Dan Hungerford | danhungi@liverpool.ac.uk |
Theme 2: Policy Lead | Neil French | french@liverpool.ac.uk |
For more information on other co-investigators working in these themes please click here or on the individual theme pages.