Addis Ababa University and KEMRI Visit

Thu, 06 Jul 2023 12:00

In June Professor Nigel Cunliffe and Chikondi Mwendera visited Addis Ababa University and KEMRI for site visits and to meet the team in person. They were later joined by Grace Reed who attended for the meetings with the KEMRI team meetings with the NIHR and DHSC colleagues. Please see below some brief information on the trip.


Ethiopia (31st May – 4th June 2023)

Nigel and Chikondi met the  team involved with the Gastrointestinal Health Research Group (GHRG-GI) project in Ethiopia at the Addis Ababa University – Black Lion (Tikur Anbessa) Specialized Hospital, School of Medicine, College of Health Sciences. The team members included Amha Mekasha, Daniel Asrat, Mengistu Yilma, Abebe habtamu and Shewit weldegebriel. Siobhan Mor is also involved in the study, and Nigel met her later in the trip.

-  The teamvisited three sites designated for the recruitment of study participants. Thefirst visit was to Teklhamanot Health Centre, followed by Kirkos Health Centre, and concluded at the IMCI Centre (formerly known as the Diarrhoea Disease Training Centre established in 1987) at the Black Lion Specialized Hospital. 

- Visit to Ethiopian Public Health Institute.


Kenya (4th to 10th June 2023)

- Cecilia Mbae kindly took Nigel and Chikondito visit four sites across two villages of Mukuru informal settlement, specifically, one site in Mukuru kwa Rueben and three sites in Mukuru kwa Njenga. The sites visited included Mukuru Kwa Rueben Health Centre, The Medical Missionaries of Mary Mukuru Health Centre, Our Lady of Nazareth at Mukuru Kwa Njenga Hospital, and Mukuru City Council Health Centre.

- The GHRG GI KEMRI team (including Masters Students, finance teams, lab personnel) ,Prof Fred Were, Dr Phelgona Otieno, Dr Cecilia Mbae, Dr James Kariuki, Dr Beatrice Atieno, and Project Manager Eunice Njoki met with the visiting Liverpool team. They gave various presentations on their impressive progress.

- The team met with delegates from the NIHR and DHSC to discuss the project, working with NIHR and provided a KEMRI specific update.

- Nigel Cunliffe and Phelgona Otieno attended round-table discussions with the NIHR representatives and other PIs and Country leads. 



Please see below photos from the site visits.